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大水金矿田由大水、贡北、格尔托3处大、中型金矿床组成,经过30年巨量探矿工程的投入和持续有效的勘查与研究,整体达到了详查程度,累计查明金资源量约130 t,为典型矿床对比研究提供了理想基地。通过大水金矿田赋矿地层岩性、控矿断裂构造、成矿侵入岩等控矿因素的对比分析认为:大水金矿田赋矿地层岩性以中三叠统马热松多组灰岩为主;控矿断裂、成矿容矿脉岩及其所赋存矿体的规模,以大水特大型金矿明显优于贡北、格尔托中型金矿,大水金矿主要以NWW向压扭性主干断裂与近SN向放射状张性断裂的交汇部位控制厚富主矿体,贡北以EW向、格尔托以NNW与NE向断裂的交汇部位控制主矿体的分布;中酸性岩体及其派生的酸性岩脉与金成矿关系密切,容矿花岗闪长岩(斑)岩脉及其蚀变方解石大脉在陡倾断裂破碎带中的集中分布,往往指示厚富金矿体的赋存地段。通过3个矿区主矿体的规模、品位、资源量分布等特征的对比分析可以看出,主矿体的规模、品位以大水较贡北、格尔托为大、为富,大水、贡北、格尔托金矿的主矿体资源量分别占矿区的75. 62%、78. 51%和79. 58%,且由普查到详查,主矿体资源量占比有所变化,如大水金矿由70. 59%增加到75. 63%,贡北金矿则由88. 24%降低为84. 16%。  相似文献   
成熟盆地仍然蕴藏着可观的油气资源,目前的油气成藏理论面临越来越难、复杂、隐蔽油气藏勘探的挑战。受“链”事物属性的启发,通过调研、类比国内外油气成藏过程与分布规律,在继承和发展已有油气成藏理论基础上,结合勘探实践,学界提出了“油气聚集链”的概念和认识。油气聚集链指在成因上有密切联系、空间上多呈串珠状链式排列在一起的一系列油气藏组合,是油气成藏与分布本质规律的客观体现。油气聚集链在形式上多表现为油气藏多呈串珠状的链式空间分布特征,实质上表现为油气生成、运移、聚集的沿优势运移通道的链式反应和成藏事件;现今复杂的油气分布是地史上多条油气聚集链叠合的反映;一条完整的油气聚集链由内链、中链和外链组成,它们在成藏背景、成藏条件、成藏机理、富集规律和分布模式上既各有特征,又有连续性,更是紧密有机的油气生运聚成藏整体。“同源多链、一链多藏、多链成域、主链富集”是“油气聚集链”的四大特征。与目前油气成藏理论相比,油气聚集链认识的突出优势在于:发现和论证了油气聚集的链式成藏特点和多呈串珠状链式分布规律,提出沿“油气聚集链”寻找油气藏,比沿“油气聚集带”寻找油气藏的效率更高;将勘探目标的预测精度从油气聚集区带范围提高到某个具体圈闭或甜点。油气聚集链认识具有目前其他油气成藏理论所不具有的独特优势——链式思维,精准定位。依据油气聚集链的认识,提出了“找准链源,梳理链节,确定链环,重视主链”和“全链思维、整体研究,顺链找油、精准勘探”的思路,对指导成熟盆地继续挖掘勘探潜力、新区新领域获得勘探突破,都具有重要现实意义。以油气聚集链的认识为指导,转变勘探思维,在冀中、黄骅坳陷油气勘探中获得重大突破。  相似文献   
我国地质结构具有3大板块、3大构造域多旋回构造演化特征,造就多种类型叠合沉积盆地,构成克拉通+前陆、断陷+坳陷、前陆+坳陷3种主要类型。大型叠合盆地是油气资源分布与勘探开发主体。我国常规与非常规油气资源十分丰富,常规石油地质资源量1 075×108 t,常规天然气地质资源量83×1012 m3;致密油地质资源量134×108 t,致密砂岩气地质资源量21×1012 m3,页岩油地质资源量335×108 t,页岩气地质资源量56×1012 m3。陆上油气资源主要分布于渤海湾(陆上)、松辽、鄂尔多斯、塔里木、四川、准噶尔、柴达木7大盆地。海域油气资源主要分布于渤海湾(海域)、东海及南海北部的珠江口、北部湾、莺歌海、琼东南6大盆地。未来我国油气勘探应始终坚持“资源战略,稳油增气”战略,坚持“非常并进、海陆统筹”积极进取勘探思路;常规勘探领域,陆上地层-岩性、前陆、海相碳酸盐岩与潜山领域;海域为渤海海域构造与基岩潜山,深水构造与岩性;非常规油气主要是立足陆上7大含油气盆地,立足致密油气与页岩油气,强化勘探开发与技术配套。  相似文献   
长期以来,西藏喜马拉雅带以发育较多金、金锑及铅锌多金属矿为显著特色,而稀有金属矿未曾列入主流找矿方向。近年来,该带由于铍、锂等稀有金属矿的重要找矿新发现而备受广大学者关注,其相应的成矿作用研究亦有较大进展。本文在喜马拉雅带已有地质找矿成果及科学研究资料的基础上,对该带新发现的稀有金属矿勘查与研究进展进行了总结。本文提出:喜马拉雅带主要发育有伟晶岩型锂-铍矿、锡石-硫化物型锡-铍矿、矽卡岩型铍-锡-钨矿、矽卡岩型铍-铌-钽矿、钠长石花岗岩型铍-铌-钽矿、热液脉型萤石-铍矿6种稀有金属矿化类型,其中伟晶岩型锂-铍矿及锡石-硫化物型锡-铍矿最具经济意义上的找矿价值。这些稀有金属成矿作用均与中新世淡色花岗岩浆活动密切相关,属于岩浆高度结晶分异的产物,是印度-亚洲大陆碰撞造山成矿作用中的新成员,并构成了喜马拉雅带与淡色花岗岩相关的稀有金属矿成矿系列。为指导找矿勘查,今后喜马拉雅稀有金属成矿作用研究应加强如下几方面:(1)高分异淡色花岗岩-伟晶岩岩相分带与相应的稀有金属分带;(2)锂-铍-铌-钽-钨-锡共生分离机制;(3)喜马拉雅式稀有金属矿成矿模式与勘查模型;(4)稀有金属与铅锌-金锑成矿作用的关系。喜马拉雅带新发现的稀有金属成矿作用大部分靠近我国边境地区,通过进一步的勘查评价工作有望形成西藏地区具有战略意义的稀有金属成矿带。  相似文献   
为了对塔里木盆地中石化探区含氦气藏资源进行调查研究,在广泛调研前人氦气研究成果的基础上,采集了塔里木盆地中石化探区9个井区、6个层系的22个天然气样品,利用质谱法对天然气中的氦气含量进行分析,并探讨了不同地区氦气成藏的主控因素。结果表明,巴什托地区BK3井巴楚组天然气2个样品氦气含量为0.103%、0.116%,达到了含氦气藏的标准; 顺北地区奥陶系6个天然气样品氦气含量在0.026%~0.151%之间,仅1个样品达到含氦气标准。塔北地区寒武系—古近系32个天然气样品的氦气含量在0.01%~0.08%之间,均未达到含氦气标准。塔里木盆地氦气成藏主要受氦源、深大通源断裂、成藏期次、保存条件等因素共同控制。巴什托地区、顺北地区是氦气的有利聚集区带,塔北地区氦气成藏条件相对不利。  相似文献   
严加永 《地球学报》2022,43(6):737-743
地球深部结构变化、物质以及能量交换等地球动力学过程, 是地球系统最主要的动力来源, 诱发地表地貌变化、剥蚀、沉积作用和环境变迁, 以及地震、滑坡等自然灾害, 控制化石能源和地热等自然资源的分布, 是理解成山、成盆、成岩、成矿、成藏和致灾等过程成因机制的核心。为探索中国大陆深部结构和资源能源效应, 在党中央“向地球深部进军”的号召下, 中国地质调查局于2016年开始设立了深部地质调查工程。工程以抢占大陆基础地质研究国际制高点, 引领深部地质研究前沿为宗旨, 选择我国资源、能源重要基地, 重大地质边界和关键构造单元, 开展了地球物理为主的深部探测和综合研究。获取了华南陆块等重要地质单元岩石圈精细结构, 研究了班公湖—怒江缝合带重大地质边界性质及空间展布, 在松辽盆地、西北盆山结合带等地发现和提取了一批与深部成矿、成藏和清洁能源有关信息。为进一步推动地质调查向深部进军, 促进从二维地表地质调查到三维空间地质调查的转变, 《地球学报》组织了“中国大陆典型地区深部地质调查”专辑。本专辑集中报道了深部地质调查近三年取得的部分阶段性进展和成果, 主要聚焦深部地质调查在揭示地球深部结构, 及其对浅部构造和资源能源的控制, 服务地球深部探测和新一轮找矿突破战略。  相似文献   
Blockage in water-dominated flow pipelines due to hydrate reformation has been suggested as a potential safety issue during the hydrate production. In this work, flow velocity-dependent hydrate formation features are investigated in a fluid circulation system with a total length of 39 m. A 9-m section pipe is transparent consisted of two complete rectangular loops. By means of pressurization with gas-saturated water, the system can gradually reach the equilibrium conditions. The result shows that the hydrates are delayed to appear as floccules or thin films covering the methane bubbles. When the circulation velocity is below 750 rpm, hydrate is finally deposited as a “hydrate bed” at upmost of inner wall, narrowing the flow channel of the pipeline. Nevertheless, no plugging is observed during all the experimental runs. The five stages of hydrate deposition are proposed based on the experimental results. It is also revealed that a higher driving pressure is needed at a lower flow rate. The driving force of hydrate formation from gas and water obtained by melting hydrate is higher than that from fresh water with no previous hydrate history. The authors hope that this work will be beneficial for the flow assurance of the following oceanic field hydrate recovery trials.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
Natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are a new type of clean energy with great development potential. However, it is urgent to achieve safe and economical NGHs development and utilization. This study established a physical model of the study area using the FLAC3D software based on the key parameters of the NGHs production test area in the South China Sea, including the depressurization method, and mechanical parameters of strata, NGHs occurrence characteristics, and the technological characteristics of horizontal wells. Moreover, this study explored the law of influences of the NGHs dissociation range on the stability of the overburden strata and the casing structure of a horizontal well. The results are as follows. With the dissociation of NGHs, the overburden strata of the NGHs dissociation zone subsided and formed funnel-shaped zones and then gradually stabilized. However, the upper interface of the NGHs dissociation zone showed significant redistribution and discontinuity of stress. Specifically, distinct stress concentration and corresponding large deformation occurred in the build-up section of the horizontal well, which was thus prone to suffering shear failure. Moreover, apparent end effects occurred at the end of the horizontal well section and might cause the deformation and failure of the casing structure. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures in the build-up section and at the end of the horizontal section of the horizontal well to prevent damage and ensure the wellbore safety in the long-term NGHs exploitation.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
Large amounts of gas hydrate are distributed in the northern slope of the South China Sea, which is a potential threat of methane leakage. Aerobic methane oxidation by methanotrophs, significant methane biotransformation that occurs in sediment surface and water column, can effectively reduce atmospheric emission of hydrate-decomposed methane. To identify active aerobic methanotrophs and their methane oxidation potential in sediments from the Shenhu Area in the South China Sea, multi-day enrichment incubations were conducted in this study. The results show that the methane oxidation rates in the studied sediments were 2.03–2.36 μmol/gdw/d, which were higher than those obtained by sediment incubations from other areas in marine ecosystems. Thus the authors suspect that the methane oxidation potential of methanotrophs was relatively higher in sediments from the Shenhu Area. After the incubations family Methylococcaea (type I methanotrophs) mainly consisted of genus Methylobacter and Methylococcaea_Other were predominant with an increased proportion of 70.3%, whereas Methylocaldum decreased simultaneously in the incubated sediments. Collectively, this study may help to gain a better understanding of the methane biotransformation in the Shenhu Area.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
Grain-displacing hydrate deposits exist at many marine sites, which constitute an important part of methane hydrate resources worldwide. Attributed to the difficulties in acquiring field data and synthesizing experimental samples, the formation and property characterization of grain-displacing hydrate remains less understood and characterized than the pore-filling hydrate in current literature. This study reviews the formation mechanisms of grain-displacing hydrate from the perspective of geological accumulation and microscale sedimentary property. The experimental methods of synthesizing grain-displacing hydrate in the laboratory and the current knowledge on the property of grain-displacing hydrate sediment are also introduced. Shortcomings in current theories and suggestions for future study are proposed. The work is hoped to provide valuable insights for the research into the hydrate accumulation, geophysics, and hydrate exploitation targeted at the grain-displacing hydrate in the marine sediments.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
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